According to me, of course, and I have only visited 40 of the 200 or so countries. I do wish they would stop dividing countries up, though. My son said I have to start at number 5 and end up at number 1 with my first choice so here goes.
5. The Scottish Highlands. I loved Scotland - rain and all. My mother is a Macdonald and so their blood runs thick through my veins. I felt at home there with its dramatic history of deprivation and the eerie folklore of the land. The atmosphere was laden with mystery and I felt overwhelmed by its beauty. Visit it some time and see if you agree.

4. The Yasawa Islands in Fiji. I lived and taught in Fiji for a year on Volunteer Service Abroad when I was eighteen and fell in love with Fiji. I spent one school holiday on Yasawa-I-Rara, the northern-most island of the Yasawa Islands before any businessman had decided it had the potential to make him a heap of money in the form of an exclusive resort. Unfortunately this influx of tourism is killing the beautiful, multi-coloured coral as luxury boats cruise the waters, polluting the seas. But there are still many unspoilt areas in Fiji if you know where to go.

3) The Angkor Wat complex in Cambodia. Yes, there's a photo of it below as well. This ancient complex of temples, which is visually, artistically and architecturally breathtaking, was at its power between the 9th and 12th centuries. It was rediscovered hidden in dense jungle in 1860 by Henri Mouhot. The first Tomb Raider movie was partially filmed here and a more haunting place you would have difficulty finding.

2) My uncle's fishing and hunting lodge on the Zambezi River in Zambia. Yes, I've mentioned this before too and I could have chosen a different place but this is truly number two in my mind. Eight hour's four-wheel-vehicle driving from the main road, this paradise on earth is truly isolated. Overlooking the mighty Zambezi River, it has views straight across into the wilderness of Zimbabwe. I've mentioned the brilliant red sunsets and sunrises before but they are inextricably wound up in my mind with this place. Visit in winter when the heat is not too overwhelming and most creepy crawlies are hibernating.

1) Rome. As you can probably guess from my choices above, I am not a city lover and yet Rome is my number one choice. I have seen it several times and each time, it takes my breath away. Every corner you turn has another magnificent monument to the artistry and creativeness as well as tenacity of man. Each building has a history and glory that makes you want to touch and smell and absorb its essence. Staying in Rome transports you to another time when life was very, very different from today and yet when man essentially was just the same. Our need for beauty has never wained.
What a glorious post!!! I would choose Rome as number one also, because of all of the ancient architecture. I can't get enough of it.
The Scottish Highlands always hold me captive when I read about them in a book setting. Are you going to write a ms with them described? Hope so!
My father's family hails from Wales and I would love visiting there one day. Do you have any castle photos?
All of these places are divine. Thanks for sweeping me away from the ice storm. :D
Hugs, JJ/Nancy
Suzanne ~ Great photos!! I wish I was visiting any of those places rather than at work. Good luck with your writing. I am an avid reader, do you have anything published at this time?
Sorry, that last post was from the wrong account.....
As I've said before, you're a fortunate woman!
Nancy, I'll meet you in Rome one day.
I have set a ms in the Isle of Skye in Scotland - it still needs a home.
Wales is similar to New Zealand - green and fertile with mountains, rivers etc. But we don't have the castles. I have heaps of castle photos. I'm passionate about them.
Hi, ranch mommy. Thanks for dropping in. I also have to work - so that I can afford the holidays. LOL. But travelling is important to me and I have a separate bank account that gets fed regularly so that my family and I can get away at least once a year.
I have a book coming out with Wild Child Publishing some time in the future. I don't have a date yet but will let everyone know on my blog when I have it. I'm about to leave for work now but will drop by your blog when I get back.
Hi Bernita. I make it happen by working hard and using my money wisely.
By the way, I love your blog and drop by regularly to see if a new post is up.
I don't know if they're the MOST beautiful, but they'd sure have to be near the top of the list.
I used to dream of Fiji...sigh...
Thanks for sharing!
Raine, I think everyone's most beautiful places list would vary considerably but it would sure be interesting to see what would be on them. It might get me all inspired for another trip.
Come visit me and I'll take you to Fiji for a weekend. Is it a deal?
(Raine, busily packing...)
Raine, just finished preparing your bed. There are fresh flowers on the side table.
I have never seen Raine move so fast. :D She's leaving a contrail.
Good morning, Suzanne. Let's meet in beautiful Rome and then spend a week at a castle finding secret rooms!
Blog Catalog has changed and I'm trying to figure it out this morning.
And working on my mainstream.
Hugs, JJ/Nancy
Done deal, Nancy. We're in Rome in July so start making plans.
Suzanne, what would I do without your cheery personality!!! :D
Good morning. Did you see the lunar eclipse last night. I watched the first part of it but then hopped into bed with GATES OF FIRE. I'm reading about Spartan Warriors in preparation for Deidre Knight's next book, RED FIRE.
The chat with author Nalini Singh was great fun. She has a great personality.
Have been working on my ms. :D I look forward to the weekend and reading more of yours.
Hugs, JJ/Nancy
Good morning!
The sun has burned away the clouds, the snow sparkles like diamonds, the frigid air has given up the ghost, and spring has shown herself.
I'm dancing. I have been renewed.
Hugs, JJ
Thanks for that poetic tour around the world!
Nancy, I didn't see the lunar eclipse. We are having stormy weather at the moment and maybe different parts of the world see different eclipses.
I'm glad you are dancing. We are hunkered down here although it's not at all cold. Our television aerial was blown off the roof.
Swahilya, what a beautiful name you have. Thanks for dropping in.
Hi Suzanne,
It's nice to get an insight into your world, after "meeting" you on my blog...My husband Ian and I lived in Perthshire, just on the edge of the Scottish Highlands, for three years before the inevitable call of Africa dragged us back to that continent...
My favourite places include Tsavo, Kenya (surprise, surprise!), and the island of Kauai - one of the least developed of the Hawaiian islands - no sky-scrapers, hardly any paved roads, just jungle, mountains, beach and ocean - who could ask for more?
Best wishes,
Tanya in Kenya
Hi Tanya. I answered your comment in my most recent post and didn't quite realize who you were though the elephant was a clue.
So you have lived in two of my favourite places - the Scottish Highlands and one of the wildernesses of Africa. You are so lucky to have Kenya as your playground despite the recent troubles there. I love the photos on your blog and drop by there ever morning before going to work. There is something about Africa that gets under your skin and never leaves you, even after just a visit.
Love the Scottish Highlands. My dh is from there, so we go back every other year or more often if we can. His folks live at the foothills of the Highlands. :) Went to Japan last year and loved it. A lot. Would go back in a heartbeat. I'd love to go to Cambodia and see Angkor Wat. And Egypt. And Fiji. And Switzerland. And Norway. And France. And Thailand. *ggg*
Jordan, lucky you getting to go back to Scotland every year. We have to keep going back to Italy because of family. I haven't seen Japan yet or Norway - they say Norway is a lot like parts of New Zealand but I still want to see it. So many countries and not enough time!
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