Friday, April 11, 2008

Raine Weaver's new book

Tomorrow morning my family and I fly to Italy for three weeks with a side trip to Egypt. I will do my best to post something of my adventures over there but no promises.

Meanwhile I have some news I want to share concerning a good friend and fellow writer, Raine Weaver.

She has just had a new book, The Last Man on Earth, released by Samhain Publishing. I read this some time ago and loved it. Raine has a special ability to create unique characters and place them in an atmospheric setting which pulls you in and keeps your attention until the last word.

This is NOT a test…
Iris Foley and Russell Carr are old friends who share everything. As they indulge in a marathon viewing of old, campy horror films on a stormy Halloween night, they are suddenly faced with the very real possibility that something has happened to the outside world.
Just as the last gasp of the Emergency Broadcast System issues a dire warning, they are plunged into isolation and darkness. Naturally, they decide to do what any frightened, civic-minded young couple would do.
They decide to have sex.
Now if only old fears, a surprise adversary, and the Apocalypse wouldn’t keep getting in their way…

Go to Samhain Publishing where you can buy this book. You will not be disappointed!


Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

Great book review, Suzanne, and I agree with you about Raine's writing. She builds a rich atmosphere and has great characters.

Can't wait to see the trip photos!!! Woot! You'll be missed but have the time of your life. Send me some sun rays. We have hail tonight.

Hugs, Nancy

Suzanne said...

Hi Nancy. Raine is definitely a great writer with a quirky intelligence which shows on the page.
Unfortunately I have no sun rays to send today. We're a bit overcast and I have my eye on the washing since several loads are on the line.
Hail - oh dear! It never ends for you over there.


raine said...

You, my dear, are a special friend with a good, kind heart. Thank you so very much for thinking of me.
Have a fabulous time, and yes, do post if you can! Will be looking for them. ;)

Suzanne said...

Right back at you. My fingers are crossed that this is your moment.
All packed and ready to go tomorrow morning. Yeah!


Heather Dugan Creative / Footsteps said...

Ha! Still smiling at doing "what any frightened, civic-minded young couple would do..."

Thanks for sharing your friend's accomplishment and what sounds to be a good read!

Hope your trip is everything you want it to be!

Suzanne said...

Heather, Raine certainly has a way with words.
Have jusr arrived at destination after a couple of glorious days in Rome. I will post some photos once I have worked out how to on this Italian computer which has a different layout and has most of the letters rubbed off the keyboard. I am not a touch typist.


raine said...

Glad to hear you arrived safely. ;)

Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

Suzanne, I was checking in to see if you had posted on your trip. YAY! Wild wave. The sun has found Michigan and we have fair weather. I must walk to the beach again to enjoy the sparkling waves.

A computer with no key letters. YIKES!!! I can't wait until you post your first photos. :D

Will have the rough draft completed by your return. :D Only 36 more pages to go.

Hugs, Nancy

Suzanne said...

Hi Nancy, I would like to post some photos but can't find a cord to download the photos from the camera so it will have to wait until I get back. Tomorrow I leave for Egypt for 10 days and will check in when I get back from there. It's rather chilly here in Italy but Egypt should be really warm.
Only 36 pages? That's so close I'm sure you can almost smell the success of finishing.


Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

Suzanne, oh, the cord! I'll have to remember that if I ever travel.

The rough draft is completed. I ended it at 57000 actual count, a little less than I thought, but I have layering to do and it should work out great.

Have a super Egypt trip. Our days are balmy.

How cool we can still communicate while you travel. :D

Hugs, Nancy

Heather Dugan Creative / Footsteps said...

I'm really looking forward to reading your accounts when you return Suzanne. I've never been to that part of the world and am very interested in your impressions (and photographs!)...

Bernita said...

Yes, and Raine's hero sounds so sweet.

Suzanne said...

Hi Heather and Bernita. I am back in Italy now and will be leaving for NZ in 3 days when I will post about my travels.
5 best temples in Egypt? 5 things to avoid in Egypt? LOL. Something like that.


Heather Dugan Creative / Footsteps said...

I was wondering if you might be back yet. Hope you've had a wonderful holiday! I'll be checking back to read your vacation posts!

raine said...

Good to hear you're ok, hope you had a blast!