Nature Shows and Dreams has awarded me with the I Love Your Blog Award! Thank you, so much. Now it's my turn to pass it on to blogs I enjoy visiting. Here are the rules: 1) Add the logo of the award to your blog 2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you 3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs 4) Add links to those blogs on your blog 5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
These are some of my favorite blogs.
1) Raine Weaver has been a writing friend for years now. She is always there for me in the good and the bad. One day she will be a big star and I can say I knew her back when she was a struggling starlet. I enjoy her blog for her sharp intelligence and insightful outlook on current events and the writing world.
2) Erica Orloff is a well-published, successful writer, whose life is chaotic, creative and full of love. Every day she blogs about a different subject that gets you thinking. How she comes up with an idea a day, I don't know but that's Erica. She has a very loyal group of commenters who add to the enjoyment of my daily visit to her blog.
3)Tina-Sue is a fellow writer, whose book No Shadows Left Behind is currently on the shelves. She is a generous, quirky lady whose blog is always worth reading. She also runs Authors Promoting Authors where writers with small publishers or epublishers can promote their books. She runs this out of the kindness of her heart.
4) Heather Dugan is a writer and photographer, whose photos blow me away. She loves the great outdoors and hikes often through glorious landscapes with her lovely family, snapping photos as she goes. We are privileged that she shares them with us.
5) Tanya from Kenya lives in a glorious spot in the wilderness of Kenya. On her blog, she shares amazing stories of her life in this fascinating place and posts wonderful photos of the wildlife, which wanders about outside and often inside her house.
6) Jill Shalvis has an amazing, natural sense of humor. I visit her blog every day without fail and would miss it if she failed to blog. She is a well-established writer but blogs mainly about her life up in the mountains, where encounters with bears are a daily event. This is one blog you shouldn't miss.
7) Kameron Hurley has a blog which draws you in for her fierceness, her determination and her 'never-say-die' attitude. Her first book will be out shortly. Visit her blog and buy it when the time comes because her writing is powerful and beautiful. I also love the photos of women and quotes by women all the way down the side of her blog. Worth visiting just for those.
Thank you, Suzanne.
I consider this quite an honor. Your good opinion means a good deal to me.
(I think it more likely, however, that I will be the one to say I knew YOU when--with much pride).
Okay, Raine, both of us will say it one day as long as we stick at it and duck all the s--t that comes our way.
Suzanne long as we stick at it and duck all the s--t that comes our way.
How's your umbrella, lol?
I think I need new boots... ;)
An umbrella and boots? I can do that.
Thanks, Suzanne! I know Nature Show's blog and love it. Now I have to check out the others!
Aw, Thanks Suzanne.
What a wonderful way to showcase blogs we love.
Erica, Nature Shows is Nancy, who has been my CP for years. She is a truly wonderful lady.
It's always interesting, Tina-Sue to see the favorites of other people. That way it's possible to find some blogs that click with us personally.
You gave me a big smile with this one. Thank you so very much.
I will check out your other favorites just as I do your recommended movies and books!
You're welcome, Heather. I have included a wide variety of blogs amongst my favorites so I'm sure you will find something you enjoy.
What great blogs to award, Suzanne!!! And you are welcome. :D
Thank you, Erica.
I'm watching the news this morn. WHOO!!! We have our 44th president and it's refreshing. We have hope our economy will settle down. :D Jeff's hours have been drastically reduced. My pubbing can't come soon enough.
Hugs, JJ/Nancy
Hi Nancy,we here in New Zealand are also excited about the new President and what he could bring to the country and consequently to the world.
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