Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy New Year

I've just realized that I haven't blogged since November, which is ridiculous so I'm dropping in to wish you all a fulfilling year. We have had a great summer here in New Zealand so far and Christmas day in particular was splendid. The family (17 of us) had Xmas lunch at a long table under the trees in my sister's garden. It was delightful.

I am changing jobs at the end of the month and couldn't be happier about it. Time for a change.

I have watched quite a few movies over the Christmas break and Avatar stands out for being different and for surprising me that I actually like it. It's a classic story with a cliched feel but I didn't care about that because it was a visual feast.

I have started a new Young Adult manuscript and that will keep me out of trouble for a few months.

May this decade bring innovation, excitement, success and peace to all of you.


Bernita said...

Happy New Year to you, Suzanne and may it be a year of delight and fulfilled dreams for you.

Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR, DEAR SUZANNE!!! A new young adult ms!!! YAY!!! I am soooo excited for you!!!

Your Christmas must have been so much fun. :D We had great weather this year and I didn't fall and break my arm LOL so we made it to my parents and had a lovely time too.

Hugs, Nancy

Suzanne said...

Bernita, I hope with all my heart this is a year of healing and new dreams for you and your family.


Suzanne said...

Not falling and breaking your arm at Xmas is a great plus. Happy New Year, Nancy.


Shiela Stewart said...

Happy New Year to you Suzanne! Good luck with the new job! :)

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Shiela. I hope this year is everything you've dreamed it will be.


raine said...

Happy New Year, young lady. :)

Glad to hear about the new job, and delighted to hear you're into a new ms.
Wishing you success at both.

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Raine and oh, to be a young lady again.
I'm doing a bit of manuscript-hopping again but I'll get there.


Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...


Wild wave! Have you seen the movie AVATAR? Am hearing some good reviews on it.

Just watched the movie SECRET LIFE OF BEES and enjoyed it but loved the book better.

Post a summer pic if you snap one! My brain is frost bitten - found that term in Virginia Woolf's journal and like it. :D

Hugs, Nancy

Suzanne said...

Yes, Nancy, Avatar is worth seeing. I also saw the Secret Life of Bees and enjoyed it. They had a great cast.
I'll see what I can do about a summer photo.


Heather Dugan Creative / Footsteps said...

Good to see you on here again, Suzanne! I took my youngest to Avatar. Big hit.

I love the hope a new year brings. Wishing continued success for you, Suzanne!

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Heather, for the good wishes. All the best to you as well with your writing and photography.


Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

Dropping by for a wild wave! How's the ms coming along?

We only have six inches of snow on the ground, so this has been an easy winter so far. :D The wind has been the worst of it.

Hugs, Nancy

Suzanne said...

I have a few requests for partials at the moment so I'm taking care of them. I will start writing again in the weekend.
The wind is the worst. I can take rain, snow, sun, but wind drives me crazy.


Heather Dugan Creative / Footsteps said...

Just stopping by and saying "hi"!

Suzanne said...

Hi Heather. I know I'm slack about blogging. I've just changed jobs and I feel a little bogged down right now. Hope you are well.


Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

Wild wave, Suzanne!

You must have sent the sun this way. :D

Hugs, Nancy

Suzanne said...

I'm more than happy to share it with you.


Heather Dugan Creative / Footsteps said...

Me again, saying "hi". Will email soon! Hope you are well...

Suzanne said...

I am well, Heather. The job is settling down and life normalizing. Our sun is still shining though the nights are getting longer. I know you need the sun but couldn't you leave it here a while longer?
