Friday, June 27, 2008

Writing Inspiration

For some time I have not been inspired to write a new story.
I have just had a book published, another bought for publication. I have had three requests for more work from query letters (a full & two partials) and yet I feel uninspired. You would think I would be jubilant after writing and submitting for 6 years. So why do I feel like this? If this had all happened 6, even 5, even 4, perhaps even 3 years ago, I think I would have been over the moon. I guess the knock-backs do take their toll. I feel excited about very little these days. Perhaps it is a defense mechanism against the hurt but unfortunately it also dampens the joy. This has worried me for some time but then the other day my son got an excellence for an important school project he had worked really hard on and I was elated. I felt joy. So I can feel excited for others, just not for my own successes. That will have to do for the moment.
I have had a rough ride workwise recently - an office bitch in one job and unsupportive bosses in the next. Then it occurred to me today that I have to take those experiences in all their nuances good and bad and use them in a story. It is fully formed in my head - funny, sad, shocking and ultimately inspiring - a journey through adversity to a place of strength. Now I must actually write it. By the way, the photo represents my mind recently.


raine said...

I love that photo. Quite expressive.
(And the new one of you on the sidebar is lovely, Suzanne).

Things affect different people in different ways. I'm not even going to speculate on why you might be feeling this way.
I do know that personal losses can affect us emotionally for longer periods of time than we might think--sometimes permanently. And I know that rejection, and energy expended without return, certainly affect the psyche.
But I think the defense mechanism is definitely a factor. I know it is for me, and I think I've felt some of what you're experiencing.
Unfortunately, it's also part and parcel of the business.
Still, I wish you joy, Suzanne.

Suzanne said...

Raine, thanks - for the compliment and for understanding. I think you are right about the loss factor affecting us for a long time. Not a day goes by that I don't think about my father, even after two years.
The 'energy expended without return' is a great way of putting it. That's why only the truly tough survive this business.
I wish you joy too.


@__EY__ said...


I jump around,
and here I am : )

Incredible !

Au revoir ; )

Suzanne said...

Thank you for dropping in, nyperosa. I went to your blog but unfortunately don't understand Norwegian. However, your photos were fascinating. You have obviously been involved in an interesting event recently.


Sandpiper (Lin) said...

Beautiful picture and I've been meaning to say that I like the new picture of you on the side panel, too. It sounds like a slump, rather than writer's block. Maybe if you get away for a weekend and have a change of scenery it would help? That always helps me to clear my head. It doesn't really solve anything, but it does help me to deal with things a little better. I hope things will get better soon.

Suzanne said...

Thank you, Sandpiper. You're probably right about needing a break. Work being tough is bound to squash creativity. It'll come right given time.


Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

A beautiful photo for a a beautiful mind. OOOH!!! Can't wait to see what your new story is about. You are right about taking your experiences and weaving them into a story. That's what makes them unique and I looove your stories. They ROCK!!!

Your muse needs a little more uploading and she'll be all set to go.

{{{HUGS!}}} dearest friend.

I want to pull a blanket over my head because I have to adjust to a new world. I became comfortable in this one.

Nancy :D

Erica Orloff said...

LOVE your new picture! Very glam!

Heather Dugan Creative / Footsteps said...

Wow. Keep repeating: Challenges are good writing material...

Love your new photo!!

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Nancy. I love the uploading idea. I'll plug in straightaway.
I can imagine your world is quite different now - the horizons have widened considerably. A bit frightening for it to happen so suddenly.


Suzanne said...

Thanks, Erica. We do have to keep trying.


Suzanne said...

Thanks, Heather. Challenges are good writing material....
I have said it ten times. Is that enough?
There is a little evil woven into my desire to write this story - it's called payback. LOL.


Anonymous said...

I would say that you are really caught up in books and publishing and that whole thing. Been there and done that and finally realized that writing books is too much like work so I don't do it anymore. The last two were about my birthplace and filled with "stuff" about the people who once lived there. The only thing exciting about it was finding out things like half the people in the village were related to each other in some way or another.

I quit counting books and magazines published after 30, 40, 50?

Thanks for your visit to my blog and for the comment there. I do my best to repay visits with visits and comments with comments. I like to be somebody you can count on.

Abraham Lincoln
Brookville, Ohio

Suzanne said...

I love going to your blog, Abraham, especially when you have gorgeous little bunny rabbits on show.
I do think that our life is made up of stages and we know when to move on though sometimes we wait a little too long before actually making that move. Even though feeling flat about writing at the moment for whatever reason, I am not ready to move on quite yet.


Bernita said...

Know what you mean.
Hurt makes us cautious of joy.

Suzanne said...

You got it in one, Bermita. They say adversity makes us stronger. I think it makes us more vulnerable. Our past pains are just below the surface ready to rear up at any relevant trigger. It's almost as if our body cells hold the memory of pain and certain events or sometimes just certain words or a song can activate those cells sending the same emotions through us. That's why the young can be so carefree - they have few cell memories.


Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

Suzanne, my editor said today I am delightful to work with so that has eased my nerves. :D WOOT!!!

Can't wait until we are in the routine of cp-ing our stories again. I think I need that.

Hugs, JJ

Suzanne said...

Nancy, she got that right - you are a delight to work with as I know as your cp. I have a story brewing so you mightn't have to wait too long to start editing again.


Martin MY said...

Not a happy puppy then. Onlyh you can do something about it. Many don't!

Life goes aroudn in circles and yhour time will come again but waiting for it won't do the trick, you have to make things happen for the crrcle to come around again.

Work on it but please keep the blogs coming, you obviously have a talent and beign published is testiment to that.


Suzanne said...

Thank you, Martin, for your encouragement. I will definitely keep blogging. And you're right that life is a series of cycles - through the good and the bad.
