Thanks everyone for all the advice on my new website. I think I have made all the adjustments but let me know if I have forgotten something.
Well, the news today is that I am back on track. Since finishing my graveyard story, which is doing the rounds, I haven't written anything at all - and that's months now. It's not good to be resting that long or maybe it is. I have been going backwards and forwards through some stories I have part written and then abandoned and have finally found the one I have an urge to complete. This is a story I had almost forgotten even though I started it only last year. It is a complicated suspense thriller and I can't remember why I abandoned it at 37 pages. A confused brain, probably.
The interesting point is that on analysis I find I can't finish stories that I know all the details and ending to. It would be too boring to write what I know. I am definitely a seat-of-my pants writer and so need the mystery ahead of me to keep me writing. In this thriller I know who is the baddie, why the trouble is happening, but I have no idea how I will get my characters to a satisfactory end or who will be killed along the way. Keep it exciting and I keep writing.
The photos are my characters - Space Cowboys meets Dark Side of the Sun.
I hope your website works out for you. I used to build them for some pretty large companies but retired from all that. And nowadays the blogs and comments are the in thing and people like that.
I like your colors on this blog. Yellow is always good for the best contrast if there is a lot of words.
Abraham Lincoln
—Brookville Daily Photo
I agree, Abraham, that blogs are a lot more active than websites, unless the blog is on the website, of course. I don't get nearly as much traffic to my website as to my blog but the publishers seem to expect us to have one.
Glad to hear you're back on track. :)
I also have trouble writing stories that I've pre-planned too much. It's like my brain seems to think they're already finished, so why bother?
Luck with the new story!
Raine, I wonder how the planners manage to get through the story. What motivates them when they know all the details, scene by scene?
Suzanne, YAY!!! for sending off the graveyard story. I loooved that premise.
I enjoyed letting my characters tell me the last story I wrote. Had no idea what would happen from one scene to the next. I guess that's why we cp well together. :D We both like surprises in our stories. I will get back to editing soon. Can't wait to see what you come up with next. I'm always off on adventure with your reads.
I've been ill but have started feeling better after a rough morning. Hope to attend church tomorrow.
Am on vacation from my project. :D Ended up doing a little more.
Hugs, Nancy
Hi Nancy. Hope you're feeling better. I have just had my fourth request for a partial on the Graveyard story but nothing from Deidre yet.
When are we going to see your official photo?
What motivates them when they know all the details, scene by scene?
In a way, maybe they're better off, Suzanne. They know exactly where they're going and how to get there. There's no going off the wrong way, then having to backtrack because a 'new idea' came along, and probably very little downtime--and possibly less frustration.
From that point of view, Raine, they are probably better off but where's the spark, the excitement of the unknown to push them ahead? In my life, I am an organised person but when it comes to writing a story, I am the opposite - too much organisation and I'm no longer interested. Who would have thought two such opposites could co-exist?
Suzanne, WOOT! on the partial requests!!! How exciting!!!
I am awaiting my professional photo to arrive by mail. :D
Still not altogether well. My right ear keeps clicking and driving me nuts but the cough is better. :D
I am taking a vacation to see if that helps me...not going anywhere, just relaxing more. We plan on traveling to Wisconsin to see my daughter within a month. Can't WAIT to see her new surroundings. I'm REALLY looking forward to that. Will stop off at some waterfalls on the way for a rest. It's a looong drive.
Hugs, JJ
Nancy, it sounds like you have worn yourself out with getting your project finished and now you deserve a good long rest to restore your energy.
Yup, I like the discovery part too.
For me it's all about the discovery, Bernita. There is nothing much else. The writing flows at will so I can't say much about the process thrilling me. I write to find out what happens to my charcaters.
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