Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New Release

I have just received the news that my novel, Rough Justice, will be released by Red Rose Publishing on the 25th September 2008. This is a contemporary action/adventure with a romantic thread. I will tell you more about it on the release date.
Meanwhile you can see it here: http://redrosepublishing.com/bookstore/product_info.php?products_id=226


raine said...


Geez, such short notice!
Must go buy confetti... :D

Suzanne said...

The only way I knew, Raine, was that I went into the website and saw it on the home page. One does have to be proactive with epubbing.


Naleke Evers said...

Congrats!!! Thanks for visiting my blog...finally I get to meet other Authors and aspiring writers!!!

Suzanne said...

Naleke, there are great places on the net where writers congregate. The Harlequin site is very good if you're targeting them.
Writing can be pretty isolating if you don't find like-minded people to communicate with. My writing friends keep me sane.


Bernita said...


Suzanne said...

Thanks, Bernita.
